50------------------------------- The Heritage of Fleet Street
The Heritage of Fleet Street

The Fleet Street Heritage Project started with the opening of the Fleet Street Heritage sundial on the corner with Bouverie Street in October 2021. Since then, we have developed the Fleet Street Heritage Project with the rest of our grant from the City of London Neighbourhood Fund. We have now completed our grant target of 70 information pages/webpages about many aspects of the heritage of Fleet Street, including some of the people, places and ideas which have contributed to its rich history, and also mini-biographies of many of the current and ancient newspapers printed here.

The development of the Heritage Project and this website has been a team effort between our volunteer staff, the Castle Baynard Ward Club, the Fleet Street Quarter, and the many other people who have written pages for us. We would welcome your input
Would you like to:
- Support our future
- Write a new page for us
- Comment on an existing page
- Give us some general feedback on our website.
- Contact our management on any other subject

Our plans Our petition Please
About us
Our new 50-page book "THE HERITAGE OF FLEET STREET"is available at £15 online and locally
Volume 1 - People, places, monuments, history and ideas
Points of interest/Map
List of newspapers and dates
Fleet St Heritage Walk 1
Fleet St Heritage Walk 2
Freedom of the Press
Fleet Street Architecture -
S side from Temple Bar
S side to Ludgate Circus
N side from Ludgate Cir.
N side to Temple Bar
Legend of Sweeney Todd
The River Fleet
Newspaper Stamp Tax
Fleet Street Heritage Sundial
Fleet Street in the 1500s
Fleet Street at the Reformation
Fleet Street in the 1600s
Fleet Street in 1843 N and S   New
The Great Fire, 1666
Monuments of Fleet Street
St George and the Dragon     New
17 (Prince Henry's Room)
62 Fleet Street
63 & 28 Stonecutter St
85 - The Reuters building
Bouverie Street     New
Pedestrian Courts of Fleet St Magpie Alley
Ashentree Court
Alsatia<     New
Salisbury Square<
Crane Court
St Dunstans-in-the-West
St. Bride's Church
Temple Church
St. Bride's Crypt Exhibition
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese
Temple Bar
Middle Temple
Inner Temple     New
Knights Templar     New
Bridewelll Palace     New
Cliffords Inn
Royal Society in Fleet St.
Stationers Company
Child and Co
Hoare's Bank
St. Bride Foundation
Richard Carlile
Brass Crosby     New
Henry 'Orator' Hunt     New
John Wilkes    New
Henry Hetherington    New
Dr. Johnson
Thomas Tompion/clockmaking
Cobbett, Paine & Fleet St
Virginia Woolf     New
Wynken de Worde
Volume II - Biographies of past newspapers
Pall Mall Gazette
Daily Herald
The Republican
Daily Courant
Morning Post
Lloyd's Weekly
News of the World
Daily News
Daily Chronicle
News Chronicle
Black Dwarf
Punch     New
Reynolds Newspaper
The Star
Poor Mans Guardian
Manchester Guardian
Picture Post
Childrens Newspaper     New
The Eagle     New
Volume III - Biographies of current newspapers
The Telegraph
Sunday Times
The Times
Financial Times
The Guardian     New
Daily Mail
The Independent
____________________IN PREPARATION____________________
Fleet Street Quarter
St. George and the dragon
Whitefriars Monastery

Inner Temple
A Compositor's Work
Workers Dreadnought
Daily Express
Evening Standard
____________________FUTURE PLANS____________________
Fleet Street in the 1700s
Fleet Street in the 1800s
Fleet Street in the 1900s
Fleet Street in the 2020s
John Wilkes
Joseph Bazalgette
James Boswell
Virginia Woolf
120 - The Express Building
135 - The Telegraph Building
Fetter Lane
Shoe Lane
Chancery Lane
Whitefriars Street
Pleydell Street
Morning Chronicle
Saturday Review
Illustrated London News
Daily Mirror
Morning Star
Daily Worker